Effective Remote Working Tactics

Effective Remote Working Tactics
By Nancy LaPerla On May 12, 2020 · In Candidate Advice
Updated: September 13, 2024
Most of us are at least six weeks into the “new normal” of working remotely. If you’ve never worked from home before, you’ve likely experienced some challenges getting used to it. In this article, you’ll find effective remote working tactics to be productive and maintain a reasonable work-life balance in today’s world.
Treat Every Day Like a Workday
One of the most effective remote working tactics is to keep your work schedule as predictable as possible. Maintain your existing morning routine and start working when you usually would if you were going to the office. Have a designated workspace in your home. Continue to work in the same place every day so you can focus and increase your productivity. Overall, keep the normalcy of your typical workday to stay as productive as possible. Some people like to spread out the workday and build-in time for themselves through the day. That’s great, but whichever approach you take, be as consistent as possible to establish a sense of normalcy.
Hold Yourself to Timelines.
Keeping a regular schedule is vital to remaining productive while working remotely. One effective remote working tip we have found is to sit at your designated workplace every morning and write a list of what you need to accomplish for the day. Stay aware of deadlines and timelines and track their progress in your to-do list every day. Hold yourself to your typical workday timelines, and don’t allow yourself to become distracted so you can stay productive throughout the day. Standard workflows and timelines have likely been disrupted or delayed over the past several weeks, but keeping to them helps keep you grounded.
A structured daily schedule is needed more than ever. Creating and keeping a structured work schedule throughout the day ensures productivity on your part.
Communication is Key
Regular communication with co-workers is more difficult when working remotely, but video platforms like Zoom and GoToMeeting make it easier to maintain ongoing contact. Face-to-face conversations and social interactions are very effective remote working tactics. These tools are excellent for collaborating and sharing project updates in real time.
Other platforms like Slack, a simple text message, and yes, even a phone call, are great ways to ask your colleague a quick question, or to simply check in.
Keeping yourself and your team connected is essential for maintaining normalcy and productivity. Make sure you and your team have regular meetings and keep everyone up to date on projects and priorities. It’s important to keep that communication going daily.
Learn Something New
In our previous blog article, we discussed a range of certifications and skills training courses that are offered to you online. If you find yourself wanting to engage in more productive activities that relate to your career, consider obtaining a new certification, or sharpening your skills in a particular technology. Refer to our last blog, “Time to Get Certified! Check Out These Options”, for more information and opportunities. The simple message here is that enhancing your skills is a great way to use this time.
Enjoy the Small Things
Remember to enjoy the small things. Keep communication going with friends, family, and coworkers through the range of technology we have offered to us. Take breaks throughout the day and relieve stress by going on walks or engaging in other “self-care” activities you enjoy.
These effective remote working tactics we can make the most of it and remain productive. Keep to your schedules, keep communication flowing, treat every day like a workday, and most importantly, remain positive. We’ll get through this time together, and hopefully, our “old normal” will become the “new normal” very soon. Stay safe and be well.
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